It is the indispensable Plug&Play tool for communicating with the automatic transmission control unit without the need to disassemble it and without having to make connections on the connector pinouts. TCU Device is part of the DIAMOND family and acts as a link between the programmer and the automatic transmission control unit of many manufacturers. Its strength is certainly the speed of reading and writing data: everything is done in just 45 seconds!



Restore TCU becomes simple and affordable for all professional repairers

  • Direct connection to the gearbox control unit
  • Dedicated connectors
  • Plug&Play connection
  • No need to dismantle the control unit
  • No connection on pinouts
  • Reading and writing in 45 seconds
  • Speedy TCU Restore
  • Compatibility with 80% of the upright car fleet

Find out how it works

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The TCU Device really can simplify your work, saving a lot of time and money.

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